Day 6: Policeman’s Point – Lagoon Beach (87 km) Perfect day: great friend, stunning views, fantastic weather and a nice beer!

Nice morning light in Anson’s bay

After the forced rest-day, Mark and I rode together today and we enjoyed it so much! Mark is the guy that you would dream to travel with on a bike: he is always funny and happy, he is very caring and open-minded, he loves the outdoors, and he knows Tasmania like his pocket. We have the same pace and the same vision of what bike touring should be. It is the pleasure to do an effort on the bike while fully experiencing the environment with all your senses: the odor of eucalyptus and pine trees, the sound of the waves, the crickets or the frogs, the stunning landscapes, and of course the taste of a good beer!Thanks to this nice company, a perfect weather (sunny but not too hot, with a nice tailwind) and a mostly flat profile, the 87 kilometres of today seemed gone in no time!

On our way to leave Anson’s bay

We had first 40 km of a good gravel road from Anson’s Bay to a little fishing town called St Helens. On this road I saw my first (living) wombat ever. 

Then we kept heading south on a very scenic (but quite trafficky) road along the shore, that offered us some stunning views. 

Stunning view on this road along the seaside!

About ten kilometres before the campground, we made a rewarding stop in a local brewery to enjoy a nice cold beer! Such a pleasure after the hours of effort. We found a good free spot at the Chain of Lagoon campsite, where I took a shower in the estuary of a small creek while enjoying yet another beautiful sunset!

6 thoughts on “Day 6: Policeman’s Point – Lagoon Beach (87 km) Perfect day: great friend, stunning views, fantastic weather and a nice beer!

  1. Hello Bernard,
    Merci de partager ton aventure ! Continue de nous faire rêver avec tes photos et tes récits !
    A l’occasion (quand tu auras une journée sous la tente 🙂 ) pourrais-tu nous montrer un peu le matos que tu as emporté, comment tu as rangé ça sur ton vélo… ?
    Bonne continuation !


    1. Salut Mathieu!
      Très bonne suggestion, j’essayerai de faire ça à l’occasion. Pas évident car j’ai déjà 2 jours de retard dans mon récit 😉
      Idéalement j’aurais dû commencer le blog avant mon départ pour aborder ce genre de sujet. J’ai sur mon PC à la maison la liste du matos que j’ai emporté et dans ma tête toutes les questions que je me suis posées sur quoi emporter, comment le transporter, etc. Si tu comptes un jour partir en voyage à vélo, je pourrai certainement te donner plein de conseils 🙂


  2. un seul mot: féérique, évidemment c’est écrit assise derrière mon pc alors que toi tu as fait tous ces kilomètres ;-)!!!
    Il est plutôt moche le wombat … j’aimais mieux la wallaby ;-)!
    Attention à la bière si vous devez encore rouler, les policiers tasmaniens sont-ils féroces concernant l’alcool au … guidon lol!


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